
Buyer guide

Salt lamp group

What you should know before buying

Salt lamps are a great way to light up any room. However, they are not necessarily a way to gain reputable health benefits. Please check out this page for more information.

Reviews are what you should be looking for

Misinformation exists everywhere about quality. This holds so true for salt lamps. Make sure you read the reviews around any salt lamp you buy. Certain ones do not work correctly or are outright broken. Salt lamps in particular are very fragile and can break very easily. Reputable companies package salt lamps with this fact in the forefront of their mind. If possible, look to see if you can find outsourced reviews on places such as YouTube and other social media to be sure you get unbiased information about any salt lamp you potentially purchase for yourself or a friend.

Now that we got that out of the way, where do I buy one?

There are a lot of places you can go to find great quality salt lamps. They range from familiar retailers such as Michael’s, A.C. Moore, and Amazon. There are however, other places you can go to obtain specialty salt lamps in unique sizes, colors, and shapes. These places tend to price their salt lamps much higher than the familiar retail destinations. We urge you to do proper research around these specialty retailers before you purchase. This should be common practice for any new online retailer you encounter.

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